anime! :D

anime! :D

Drawn by Yobonbon for the anime! :D challenge.


XD Just a quick sketch of Kakashi from Naruto with glasses. =D

© 2013 Yobonbon. Licensed under CC-BY.

Yes xD i saw that episode —  xLitchi
so has anyone seen Kakashi mouth?. I don't want to watch all the on going naruto shippuden episodes to find out. —  ch1ris23
xD!!! true...and no there was this one ep though where it was almost revealed...he was sick in bed. xD and I think naruto was lifting the blanket....XD a nurse got to see his face though :l —  Yobonbon
THATS SOOO COOOOLLL!!! —  Prathik John
Thanks Pj. (: —  Yobonbon
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President Eisenhower
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