It wasn't Carrot Juice after all... :p
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Morbid Mumbles, Ray Mortamour, uneekL4evr, Lunar Eclipse, Joe HF, sweetrox, xLitchi, Erythrocyte ., ch1ris23, Papachan, MR, Zippy the Wonderslug, Lazarus, Luna Sea, Agent-Bunny-Boy, magicalhobo, Silenhalle, Kanani , and Nikko.
Can't call it a trend if it is only you m'dear! :p
well... @Agent-Bunny Boy, how does a trend start? there is always a first ;)
ça va très mal finir un jour cette histoire... XD
@Riff tant que ça finit pas en eau de boudin ou autre... bref. xD oh joie, quelle belle image. POOP !
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