

Drawn by آدم. Part of the album Tu vois...


-You said you wanted to talk? -Yes... - But I have nothing to say to you. - I lo .. please.. I'll just .. - No, wait! Actually I do - ... Yeah? What is it?? - Where is your shoe?

© 2015 آدم. Licensed under CC-BY.

nice awkward/strange scene, i like the background :D —  Riff
XD :'D @Nikko —  آدم
Reality beats fiction in being more unrealistic sometimes, this scene was inspired by a real situation in my life :'D And thanks a lot, lol @Riff ಠ_ಠ —  آدم
This is a very nice scene :) —  Lunar Eclipse
Thank you!! ^^ @Lunar Eclipse —  آدم
"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."
Carl Sagan
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