first drawing (✿´‿`)

first drawing (✿´‿`)

Drawn by hachi.



this is my first drawing on sketchport!! i came here from sketchfu just now because i wanted to draw (tablet just got fixed cELEBRATE) and i realised sketchfu isn't an option whoops



i present to you my oc kiara/first drawing

((any old sketchfu-ers out there??? c:)

© 2014 hachi. Licensed under CC-BY.

Sketchfu Oc Human Practice Sketch Manga Anime Am i abusing tags

i LIKE IT :) —  Papachan
Welcome! Hi. :D —  Luna Sea
Nice job, welcome! —  magicalhobo
That's nice. Hellow and welcome. :3 —  Zakeena
yes there are some reFUgees here, i am one of them. T_T —  Riff
"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""
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