

Drawn by LittleFawn.

© 2013 LittleFawn. Licensed under CC-BY.

@SilentButterfly I am willing, yes! and thank you for the encouragement ! <3 —  LittleFawn
Pee and poo mixed with snow? Ew. Ignore that. Just woke up and my mental filters are still loading xD SO cute though! —  Jini
@Jini well, nothing wrong with your mental filters, they are perfectly fine! :P and thank you ! —  LittleFawn
Thats an amazing draw :D I <3 it! —  Lunar Eclipse
Lol love some of your art is playful and cute. :3 —  nightstar
"Cherish the certainty of now, it kills you a bit at a time."
Faith No More
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