It's my first water and reflection. Please some1 tell me what to improve.
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Zakeena, Liar, Nikko, Papachan, Lazarus, Luna Sea, Rebeccajj, Ichiban Yada, Moneey., Innocent Sylph, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Lunar Eclipse, آدم, Schurke Corgi, Voivodian, Lizzy, shshshsh, and Anubis.
I think it is very lovely, the only part that needs improvement is the water, and maybe add a grey touch of shade on the sides of the mountains. I am not great at water, you should ask Uneek how she does hers. I think the shadows should have blur and lines to blend in better and the waves are too big and light, but it really is beautiful! :)
Luna Sea
Thank you very much :) @Luna Sea
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