Ceropegia woodii

Ceropegia woodii

Drawn by Morbid Mumbles.


I Found This Lodged In My Drive. It Was Sore So I Pulled It Out With A Pair Of Tweezers, It Came Out With A Little Blood And Pus

© 2015 Morbid Mumbles. Licensed under CC-BY.

looking good —  Liar
Cute hairy stamens —  Zakeena
@Zakeena Being that Ceropegia is an indirect Stapeliad, it doesn't rely on common stamen to pistil pollination. It's really fascinating, it relies on a gynostegium system thats extremely complex, lock and key. In fact, its one of the most complex pollination systems in the world, only rivaled by some orchids. —  Morbid Mumbles
@Zakeena Those hairs are but minor attempts at resembling rotting flesh [not as impressive as other true Stapeliads] and those "stamens" you see are pseudo corolla lobes. The actual pollination system [stamens and pistils] is internal both to the gynostegium and, in this case, the corolla. —  Morbid Mumbles
wow! you seem to be like a real plant encyclopedia. :) I quoted that "rotten flesh" resemblance. Awesome! xD —  Zakeena
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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