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MeMyselfAndEyes, Cami Brown, LittleFawn, meek, Panani, Hikaru, Rebeccajj, Agneta Juodenaite, Kassy, magicalhobo, Kneegrow699, and ch1ris23.
i usually understand jokes but this one, i can't make any connections to anything :(. You have to tell me the inside joke else i will debate over it with myself over and over again. You don't want that.. "he gets really insane with his taught's" he's a mad man (⌒▽⌒)
Well, this is easy to explain. From right to left there is Panani, Hikaru and then there is me. I am God, Panani is my son Jesus and Hikaru is Satan. It gets quite hilarious when we get into it, and it's fun to confuse others with it when playing Draw My Thing :'DD
haha this is awesome XD
Bhahaha why are you looking so serene XD I love this lol.
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