

Drawn by Aya Mulder. Part of the album Nature.


Only tried distracting myself from nervous stomach

© 2013 Aya Mulder. Licensed under CC-BY.

Mountains Fog Sunrise Clouds Perspective

So cool! And the black dot is intriguing. —  magicalhobo
So beautiful —  Unbreakable Wings
Can I double vote? hehe... Love it Aya. Beautiful piece! —  Jonathan Bennett
@magicalhobo OMG I didn notice xD —  Aya Mulder
@Cami Brown @SilentButterfly @Jonathan Bennett Thank you very much ^^ When I got nervous stomach, I remembered this mountain to calm myself down xD Then decided to draw it using my memory only. When I saw the real picture I was like T_T Oh well xD —  Aya Mulder
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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