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Зелені повинні змінити світ на краще.

Drawn by Vomika.


That i drew in first days when i came on sketchport

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Postive style and polite spend themself without provoque other. Who provokes that simply no better than the one who emotionally can say bad after often say him bad words or really rude phrases not will repeat them here coz i not same to them. I not provoke other and always used to ask about what i not liked private. Also i not write on profiles ppl or under their draws, who doing so just losing lifetime or like to hurt ppl. Rude words its just level of culture they nothing mean for me as Green i not used them and never will. More i not will answer on provokes. GreenPeace forever. with Aya i stopped speak after that drew her Joe (lie about Greenpeace) , it very hurted me , Greenpeace not do vandalizm i not heard from him that he sorry nothing so and i not should say sorry, esspecially to ppl which use to dirty speak in chat and what they showed ? what ? dirt words yes speak rude provokes me yes it was kidding my name yes if them so it pleasently then that can everywhere repeat it.

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Here in Ukraine died was killed 96 ppl and nobody here not wrote that he she sad its level of kind those ppl. More nothing i can say Good bye forever to most of ppl here i will stay here but more not will react on rude ppl , names of them not need , them all know and so. Ana supported me , thanks this georgian girl she really have heart and thanks buttercup she also have human heart, other dont care about other only see themself problems, i never was like it and helped in real life ppl often heard thanks from them and wish me luck and health. to word ukranian ppl very ''understanding humans'' in mean that they never still blind to other problems or ills . I nothing heard about that Aya had canser coz im not member of her familly and not close her friend (and in first month when i only came here i rare used to open chat so most of news moved away from me) i always wished her health since first time i got to know suddently in chat that she feel it hurt she not said resoin and i thought she will soon became as mother so just wished her health and rest after office work until she not gone from site i nothing known why she long time more not back and then when i tried get to know me answered said me that it not my job so i stoped interesting thought that you (Aya) will became as mother. Now i know that you had canser my grandmom died from canser and i still very miss her , i Hope that you full stopped that ill and now you will fast recovering from it i wisdh you happy life and i take back my words and rude saying to you in that day when u just asked me can u use one picture from mine profile i was in very bad mood here was mourning but i not had right speak not polite so i saying sorry to You , i not saying it for defend myself only coz i not like when someone getting hurt of health and i not like to hurting ppl , i again repeat i first never attacking ppl, not draw parody of them if i something not like i used to wrote it private. Health its the most gold what we can have in our Life. Good health to You Aya Mulder and have happy life together with Joe and all around you and him. And more not feel what u felt. I congrats you if its true and you full won canser anyway if you already feel better i congrats you and Joe. even i more not spoken to them i alsways wish to ppl healthy , happy life and good luck just after provokes me from side some ppl and often i became some emoutionally and to this added hard and danger situation in Kiev where died 96 ppl and 600 got diffrents types of body hurt. Ukranians from their fight from ours freedom from criminal gang called as nazy and diffrents not nice it all had not the best effect on me. i love Ukraine even im not full slavian. Here and not ukranians put their lifes from our freedom... Me very sadly their parents i saw tears and they look liked so same to mine parents and me when died my grandmom from canser it was just 1 year ago in those month going 1 year as she not with us .... so i was in very bad mood. Im sorry before you Aya Mulder from my not correct answer u then rude say to you. Good luck in everything.

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© 2014 Vomika. Licensed under CC-BY.

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