Draw the first thing you can remember
Drawn by LiizPsychoticDayD... for the Draw the first thing you can remember challenge.
Not the very first thing i remember but i remember knowing at that moment at my very young age who was a dark heart and who wasn't.
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Aya Mulder, Zippy the Wonderslug, sweetrox, xLitchi, Gibbermagash, magicalhobo, Stor, and Crevasse.
thats sad :/ , just like my life ........ i kind suffered a lot of things and still suffering ...... ..i cried a lot and i still cry......i know its stupid :'( ....life is full of ups and downs
It's kind of depressing when you realize that in life. for every up there is a down. but i think life is about embracing both and understanding both and to just keep going. I know people who have suffered a lot and they are the most beautiful souls anyone can every imagine.
@Liiz Psychotic Da... :')
hey! u look like me :P , olive eyes , wavy hair , chubby cheeks and nose
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