''1 Life - 1 Way'' this pic for user on name OfC

''1 Life - 1 Way'' this pic for user on name OfC

Drawn by Vomika. Part of the album Pictures for my Friends.


This DRAWING for You OfC :) http://www.sketchport.com/user/4754100189134848/ofc


Hope You alot smiled from my last message hahaha awedome ... Remember this Nat(U(RE(oool , (oool mean cool )))


You are Clever , Kind and Very Nice drawer ! I wish to You very nice Life , same to all your familly and close friends , i wish to you GOOD LUCK in your Life and work !


THANK YOU From your talking to me and supporting me ! Thank you from all upvotes and words under my draws, i very apperciate every word !


I very like your avatar , that puЯRple flower on your avatar ! see!!? I'd used that MYSTICAL SYMBOL : '' ЯR ''

© 2014 Vomika. All rights reserved.

World Peace Dog Friendship

@Ana THANK YOU ANA!!!! —  Vomika
This is so amazing. I will be smiling the rest of the day. <3 Thank you! <3 I love dogs and have two of them. :) —  OfC
@OfC and i known that ! that you have them ! —  Vomika
@OfC Your Welcome ! —  Vomika
This is really cool! —  Shelly ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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