for Nikk

for Nikk

Drawn by Riff.

© 2015 Riff. Licensed under CC-BY.

😱😱😱 Thank yooooou Riffsterrrrrr!! Omg this is really amazing! 💋 *huuuggggsss* 😍😍👍👍 —  Nikko
@Nikko is that your bata? —  Chris
That's my pamangkin (nephew)!!!!!! <3 :3 —  Nikko
@Nikko i thought it was you as a child :3 —  Riff
Hehehehe 😁😁 I'll post my childhood pic some time 😜 —  Nikko
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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