3 trees and a drive home (beta)

3 trees and a drive home (beta)

Drawn by Agent-Bunny-Boy. Part of the album ~Nature and landscapes~.


My fingers are cramped and my eyes blood shot... At least I immersed myself in a beautiful setting... falls asleep. Inspired by Western Marin :) http://www.sketchport.com/drawing/4778569649618944/3-trees-and-a-drive-home-beta/video And credit goes to Budgie for such inspiring music to draw to:

© 2014 Agent-Bunny-Boy. Licensed under CC-BY.

I like this very much: The Colors are in perfect match and their distribution over the canvas forms a very harmonious and intersting composition :) —  Lunar Eclipse
0_o —  -----
@Riff, @Luna Sea, @uneekL4evr, @gibbermagash, @Lunar Eclipse, @The Dude: Awww, you guys! I just want to express my thanks for the kind, inspiring and uplifting praise you all offer :) I'm flattered. It is your artworks that have driven me to better my practice <3 (please don't feed my ego anymore than it needs to be :p) *hugs* —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
p.s:- I don't think I quite finished it, so (maybe) expect more ;) —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
fantastic! —  Ichiban Yada
"Cherish the certainty of now, it kills you a bit at a time."
Faith No More
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