Webster's -Zippy the Wonderslug- Dictionary. Morbib : Relating to being a fat, lazy mammal and asking for a bigger bib when eating like a disgusting pig. (Zippy the Wonderslug Copyright)
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Lazarus, Joe HF, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Luna Sea, Mouldy Sponge, uneekL4evr, Ray Mortamour, Silenhalle, Erythrocyte ., Zippy the Wonderslug, Papachan, Jakub, Hababoon, and Nikko.
No sticky food on him/her/it. Super extra large bibs will be the future. <3
Zippy the Wonderslug
bibz foreva! Lol :D
lol, poor furby xD
Haha! Awesome Zaleski! You are so awesome! :D
Luna Sea
Aaaaaaaaawww !!!! Thanx @Luna Sea
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