God's Chariot

God's Chariot

Drawn by Voivodian. Part of the album Military stuff.


I love Jew <3

© 2014 Voivodian. Licensed under CC-BY.

Merkava Israel IDF Tank

Ukraine's largest exporter of military weapons in World —  Vomika
Man i love the Jewish people also, my taxes last month was amazing. I —  ch1ris23
@Vomika really? I thought it was China since their stuff is cheap —  Voivodian
@ch1ris23 What does that mean? —  Voivodian
@Vomika Thanks for the upvote : ) —  Voivodian
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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