This cephalopod was born with an unfortunate birth defect which unlike others of its species saw it born with two eyes instead of just one. Although its life is made difficult due to the ridicule of its peers it has the survival advantage of a greater depth and field of view which in the future may allow it to outlive all the other members of its species which scorn it.
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-, OfC, Ray Mortamour, Lunar Eclipse, Zakeena, Luna Sea, Ichiban Yada, LittleFawn, Ruth Lesslie, xLitchi, magicalhobo, Hababoon, Rebeccajj, Morbid Mumbles, Lazarus, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Schurke Corgi, Jakub, Lizzy, Nikko, Anubis, Kube, نصر ناصر, Utchn 123, Google User, and Google User.
*clap* Bravo I like the drawing and the description !!
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