Making calm water look realistic isn't al that easy... enjoy :3
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Innocent Sylph, Carrie Cerruli, Krissie, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Rebeccajj, Morbid Mumbles, Neko001, thewalkingdude, Helen, Riff, Ray Mortamour, Zakeena, Aaron Lathon, Lunar Eclipse, Joe HF, Luna Sea, ~moneywithptc~, Anonymous, OfC, Ana, magicalhobo, Erythrocyte ., Shelly ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ , Liar, xLitchi, Silenhalle, Lazarus, Mouldy Sponge, So Dope, Nikko, Anubis, MayLing Ngo, and Moneey..
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Ichiban Yada
looking natural........u r a true artist Agent Bunny Boy..!!!!
Innocent Sylph
@Sarwat Zia thanks but I'm not bunny boy :3
awwwwwww sorry i mistakenly named u.. uneekL4evr
Innocent Sylph
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