© 2014 Chris.
Licensed under CC-BY.
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event-horizon, LittleFawn, Mac W., Luna Sea, Ruth Lesslie, Lunar Eclipse, Liar, Ichiban Yada, Erythrocyte ., آدم, ch1ris23, Agent-Bunny-Boy, uneekL4evr, magicalhobo, Papachan, Aya 123, nightstar, and Nikko.
You are a machine. I knew it.
@magicalhobo -but with a heart of a man (but not sam worthington's). B)
Yay, another smelly foot! Now we just need a torso and some arms, and we will be ready to assemble it :)
Ruth Lesslie
@Ruth Lesslie I guess your last drawing supplies the torso and head. :)
Which means that it is your turn to do the arms (or at least one of them) ;)
Ruth Lesslie
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