they used drawing as words in the past or even letters right? well maybe you can guess what am I trying to say here, now I will go paint again ...... this is distracting !
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xLitchi, Primmie, Rebeccajj, Zippy the Wonderslug, magicalhobo, Chris, Schurke Corgi, and Nikko.
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Indeed, pictographic writing systems have been used in the past. Some languages (eg Chinese/Japanese) still use logographic characters which are etymologically derived from highly stylised pictograms.
I can't figure this one, though. Age runs from history like a fool skytree wing?
Joe HF
A fleeing doomsday scared petal throne wing.
The sentence doesn't need to be logically or grammatically correct does it? xD
@Joe HF hahaha I like your comments you always say interesting stuff !
@Jini wow you know you were kinda close, I am kinda glad that I did the mistake about that drawing before the wing hahaha makes it even more random :P
I think it's more than a sentence. We could write a whole book with this.
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