Dream Challenge
Drawn by Aya Mulder for the "Dream" challenge. Part of the album Aya <3 Joe ^^.
Tried to play with different colours again. I wasn't patient like usual to draw more xD I reached my limit xD I spent 9h to draw this because I had to find the right colours.
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~moneywithptc~, Zakeena, xLitchi, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Ray Mortamour, Anonymous, Gibbermagash, Crevasse, Chihihihiro, sweetrox, Rach, MayLing Ngo, Lee Tjung, thewalkingdude, Rebeccajj, Ruth Lesslie, Cami Brown, ArtisticOTAKU, Kevin, Zippy the Wonderslug, Lunar Eclipse, Chris, Sonny Mulder, ThaDFunk, -----, Ashtray, Primmie, Miss Apple, magicalhobo, Prathik John, LittleFawn, Ana, Jini, Mouldy Sponge, Joe HF, Papachan, Erythrocyte ., and Nikko.
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9h, huh. I think you forgot to eat because too focus drawing that.
Sonny Mulder
@Joe HF :D
Aya Mulder
うん @Sonny Mulder .
Aya Mulder
if I have children, I'm going to hire you to paint this on their ceiling to help them fall asleep each night. so oneiric. (echo that word to new words learned xD )
lmao xD ottay ottay *aya auntie is ready*, @Kevin Waring
Aya Mulder
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