A paper on the application of mathematics (the addition operator) to DNA, and its purely positive outcomes.
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Morbid Mumbles, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Erythrocyte ., xLitchi, Carlos, Papachan, Chihihihiro, LittleFawn, Sonny Mulder, Zippy the Wonderslug, Rebeccajj, Chris, Primmie, Lunar Eclipse, Jini, Krissie, -----, Cami Brown, Ashtray, Joe HF, Aya Mulder, Irus Chan, ch1ris23, Schurke Corgi, Nikko, Jakub, Gibbermagash, and 🍍¢ólé🍉.
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Truely amazing! No more digestion secrets, cow!
Wondering what the texture of a steak from this would be...
@Joe HF: Translucency is a privative (so don't expect a patch)- its pigment genes and such that hide creatures insides (so far for Seans add-logic... he might also try to 'add' darkness to a room lightened by a lamp).
It could be a good idea though to patch a translucent cow with bioluminscence for the next-generation lava lamp.
Lunar Eclipse
Once I get funding for this idea, @Lunar Eclipse is going to be head of marketing.
@magicalhobo »Can YOUR lava lamp do this? ›Mooooooooo!‹«
What do you think of that slogan?
Lunar Eclipse
@Lunar Eclipse I just saw that. It's brilliant, you're hired.
Woah, 4 years... Amazing.
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