

Drawn by ii_panduhz for the Silhouette Saturday challenge.


Creation for Silhouette Saturday :) i hope you guys liked it. its a bit different from the other artwork but i think this one is my best one yet :D

© 2013 ii_panduhz. Licensed under CC-BY.

NO! I don't like it...I LOVE IT! Especially the background so pretty :D —  Primmie
thanks im hoping to do more like these i really like your feedback *next drawing is going to be for my "galaxy" challenge i hope you enter your artwork* I think your art is truly beautiful <3 ;) —  ii_panduhz
@Primmie@ —  ii_panduhz
@ii_panduhz I'm already in the middle of a drawing for it...I just hope i did it right when i submit it —  Primmie
"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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