Terrifeyed Owl

Terrifeyed Owl

Drawn by Lunar Eclipse for the Terrified Owl challenge.


Based on:

And inspired by a comment Chris made on this mentioning »terrifying crow-feathers«.

It's owl-feathers of course (because this goes to Terrified Owl Challenge).

© 2013 Lunar Eclipse. Licensed under CC-BY.

Eye Owl Fill-tool strokes Continuation

OMFG I FREAKING LOOVE THIS.gosh its sooo much better than mine.Your an amazing artist and i wish for you to follow this path of creativity.NEVER LOOK BACK.cause' baby you goin to HOLLYWOOD or not whatever you choose.but this was absoulutely amazing.KEEP IT UP !! <3 —  ii_panduhz
Awesome job on combining and referencing other drawings. I love that! —  Kassy
Thank you very much :) @ii_panduhz @Kassy Coan No artwork stands alone - they all had been created in a context and by creators who had been influenced and inspired. Reference and combinations hence are nothing special but something very natural. On this you just have a good view... —  Lunar Eclipse
The owl 😭😩😱😔 —  Nikko
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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