Going fishing

Going fishing

Drawn by Krissie.

© 2013 Krissie. Licensed under CC-BY.

Thank you @magicalhobo :) Yes I had a photo at hand! —  Krissie
Truly amazing!!!!! I love the detail and the realism. That is one of my things, realism. We all can do the other but realistic is not as easy. This is WOW!!!! —  Cami Brown
Krissie.. it's so aw..aw.. aw.. awesomexD *faints* I can't stop looking at it —  Aya Mulder
:D wow thank you !!! I have no words. @Shelly @Cami Brown @Aya Sarah :* —  Krissie
w(^o^)W —  ch1ris23
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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