Edited by uneekL4evr

🌌Finish The Sky! (6)

Another week, another sky challenge! Let's see how you all finish this one :3 Enjoy, Have Fun, and Draw! ![enter image description here](https://lh4.ggpht.com/V9jyUbjyM1bzPNgckpzOWNk431n2CxKMtrIc_YIHTXqynMlsk57f4U4pGM8dIhRj8NEZ780Mx59qIkbIOk6eD_YUpg=s0) Click this link to open the SketchPort drawing! 👉 https://www.sketchport.com/drawing/4958423636508672/finish-the-sky-6 👈

"Cherish the certainty of now, it kills you a bit at a time."
Faith No More
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