Edited by magicalhobo

Fugly Christmas Sweater.

Ever wonder what is the **true** meaning of Christmas? Some people might try and feed you some lies about it being about some baby being born in the hay, tolerating being around that annoying aunt, or being thankful about the the shit show that is your life. Well lucky for you all I am here to set you on the right path! Christmas is actually about wearing the most eye bleeding heinous clump of wool imaginable ( wearing ugly sweaters. No, fugly sweaters). To start you out, I created a pattern that might have you screaming "My eyesssssss!!!" Once you control the bleeding, your job will be to use the pattern as a template to create the Fugliest. Sweater. Ever. Have fun! :3 🎄🎅🎁 ![enter image description here](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dY60zgERf0L8ugA3AF37ItyonLav5MeAafdzJb4z3IC_cWr8MR9wFlaai3LIeYb_00c9bYj2m9z1egFyxLGwA5VhPw=s0) Click [HERE](https://www.sketchport.com/drawing/5984746643390464/xmas-day) to get the template :3

Edited by uneekL4evr

Fugly Christmas Sweater.

Ever wonder what is the **true** meaning of Christmas? Some people might try and feed you some lies about it being about some baby being born in the hay, tolerating being around that annoying aunt, or being thankful about the the shit show that is your life. Well lucky for you all I am here to set you on the right path! Christmas is actually about wearing the most eye bleeding heinous clump of wool imaginable ( wearing ugly sweaters. No, fugly sweaters). To start you out, I created a pattern that might have you screaming "My eyesssssss!!!" Once you control the bleeding, your job will be to use the pattern as a template to create the Fugliest. Sweater. Ever. Have fun! :3 🎄🎅🎁 ![enter image description here](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dY60zgERf0L8ugA3AF37ItyonLav5MeAafdzJb4z3IC_cWr8MR9wFlaai3LIeYb_00c9bYj2m9z1egFyxLGwA5VhPw=s0) Click [HERE](https://www.sketchport.com/drawing/5984746643390464/xmas-day) to get the template :3

Edited by uneekL4evr

Fugly Christmas Sweater.

Ever wonder what is the **true** meaning of Christmas? Some people might try and feed you some lies about it being about some baby being born in the hay, tolerating being about that annoying aunt, or being thankful about the the shit show that is your life. Well lucky for you all I am here to set you on the right path! Christmas is actually about wearing the most eye bleeding heinous clump of wool imaginable ( wearing ugly sweaters. No, fugly sweaters). To start you out, I created a pattern that might have you screaming "My eyesssssss!!!" Once you control the bleeding, your job will be to use the pattern as a template to create the Fugliest. Sweater. Ever. Have fun! :3 🎄🎅🎁 ![enter image description here](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-dY60zgERf0L8ugA3AF37ItyonLav5MeAafdzJb4z3IC_cWr8MR9wFlaai3LIeYb_00c9bYj2m9z1egFyxLGwA5VhPw=s0) Click [HERE](https://www.sketchport.com/drawing/5984746643390464/xmas-day) to get the template :3

"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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