Edited by uneekL4evr

🌌Finish The Sky! (7)

So...I couldn't draw a new sky in a timely fashion so I used the sky from my last landscape lol. I hope you all don;t mind too much xD Enjoy, Have Fun, and Draw! ![enter image description here](https://lh6.ggpht.com/eq_FZxmeIVezyWC2IWOFEXfPe3kCx_PB1x7U54G_qq1YiO1EkPNAFWl8fqL3XP1AEZ2j3ahSyspgusgn6yp0QGjQJ7E=s0) Click this link to open the SketchPort drawing! 👉 https://www.sketchport.com/drawing/5291342267678720/finish-the-sky-7 👈

"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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