
Enjoy the latest and greatest drawings.

bullied wolf just how I get bullied

I am really easily mad sad and happy. I'm emotional so if someone tells me something sad I start crying.

#LennyFace #Something

This is most people when they find ships (I don't mean like boats and ships... I mean like...

#TotallyEdgy #Oc #INeedAnotherName

Totally "Edgy" Oc Alert! Here is the final product of my different version of my last drawing or...

#NewOc #CloseUp #INeedNamesForHer

This is a close-up to my new oc, but not my most favorite... She's my second favorite by the...

#Made-upStory #Story

This is the continued version of the last part of my made-up story as you can tell! So let's now...

#Test #SomethingRandom

hehe, I actually want to test something out.... So that is the reason why I made this.... Hehe...

This is what I do during online class/online school but with my oc instead of me irl! Hehe,...

What did you do Morty?! Why are we so quantized?!

"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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