So moudly challeged me to color ALL his black and white draws....look what I diddddddddddddd C:

Challenge Christmas Pattern I'm sorry

Ever wonder what is the true meaning of Christmas? Some people might try and feed you some lies...

Last of the mouldy draws I need to color. Mission Accomplished.

another mouldy drawing I colored. Now I have something to submit to papachan's contest! lol

I colored Mouldy's drawing plus I have a drawing for the torture Mouldy Sponge challenge. Enjoy...

lol xD thats all i gotta say. Mouldy Sponge's drawing

the "low alpha glitch" makes me sad lol. I had to use a bunch of layers to do this, and it is no...

Mouldy Drawing, I colored it with a bunch of dots :3 xD

I don't...even know xD don't ask me what this is, I will have no answer for you lol. mouldy drawing

I know I know, that one is bad xD and why does a billy goat have udders O,o Mouldy draw

I had noooo idea what to do with this one so I just experimented with some colors lol. Mouldy...

mouldy drawing and i colored

Tower Landscape Collab

I simply added color to the color allergic Mouldy Sponnge's drawing with you can see here Hope...

"Cherish the certainty of now, it kills you a bit at a time."
Faith No More
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