History Stormfly began playing Geometry Dash during Update 1.7 in 2014. However, he joined YouTube on 12 November 2015 and uploaded his first video titled 'Geometry Dash - Nine Circles (Demon) - By Zobros', in which he beat Nine Circles.[1] Later, Stormfly beat numerous Demons and uploaded them on YouTube. While he beat Hard Demons, such as MadHouse, Fexty, Night Terrors and Mental Torture, his name only became known after a shout-out by Sea from verifying a slightly nerfed version of The Hell Zone by Cyclic. Stormfly also got another shout-out from the same person, this time for becoming the first person to beat all geometry dash lite Ozpectro-themed levels at that time, including effot and Belic.

After discovering that The Hell Zone was not the only Hell level created by Sohn0924, he then decided to verify a decorated version of all of his levels (The Hell World, The Hell Dignity and The Hell Origin). In addition, with The Hell Inferno and The Hell Field leaked, Stormfly is set to finish, redecorate and verify them and another Hell level under the name The Hell Holder.

On 11 May 2018, Stormfly verified Silentium Gradas, a heavily nerfed rebirth of Silent clubstep, in 16,213 attempts.[2]

On 5 October 2018, Stormfly released a video showcasing all the rated levels of Update 1.0.[3]

On 28 December 2018, Stormfly achieved a devastating 90% on The Hell Field, a Hell level originally started by Sohn0924 but never finished. Two days later, on 30 December, he verified The Hell Field in 11,383 attempts.[4] On 5 January 2019, Stormfly achieved a record of 25% on The Hell Inferno, another Hell level originally started by Sohn0924 but never finished.[5] After a long period of inactivity, he returned and achieved a start position run of 28-57%.[6]

On 1 September 2019, Stormfly achieved a new record of 58% on The Hell Inferno.[7]

On 8 December 2021, he verified The Hell Trinity.[8]

"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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