Ichiban Yada

Joined .

Collaboration with Riff, Liar, and Uneek Because every collaboration needs a prawn pope.

Clouds Sky

My last drawing for the year! Based on a photo taken by nikko. see it here!

Doesn't He Look Huggable? And By Huggable I Mean He Evokes The Spraying Of Bleach

currently stuck in between grayscales

if i could be somebody else, well i think i would, for you.

Ian Anderson Is The Aqualung. [Color Study] Reference Used

Grass Landscape

ehh, i could have done things to make this better but I haz no patience to give lol. Based on a...

Forest Landscape Fog Trees

When you want something to look blurry but not blurry lol. Here you go liar, I hope this drawing...

Sunset Biolumiscence Silhouette Glowing

Based mostly on some random photo I came across somewhere on the internet. :)...

When you make an emoji fail once by mistake, so you do it again on purpose.

"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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