Edited by magicalhobo

Google Translate

![Translating Hebrew from a photo](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Hg-RFzSxLTE/Ug1N9QSnh_I/AAAAAAABTio/nM-nfJEtypw/w542-h904-no/1vumIMdC_MhWdPGAc6DLVsL8Y-OJzjxRolQIURQ.png) You can take a picture of some text, and your phone will read and translate it for you! It's magic and inspiring. https://plus.google.com/+google/posts/gpkn8ozqDZt

"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."
Carl Sagan
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