kollarabi with gibblets

kollarabi with gibblets

Drawn by Agent-Bunny-Boy.


mechanism cluck, cluck

© 2016 Agent-Bunny-Boy. Licensed under CC-BY.

Tube Coral reef

@ºGibberellic Acidº Crop in your pants! —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
I'll show you some crop circles! —  Gibbermagash
I'll show you some crop circles! —  Gibbermagash
@ºGibberellic Acidº "wiggle, wiggle wiggle!" —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
@J . T. Prater "tickle, tickle, tickle!" —  Gibbermagash
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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