In a parallel universe - Shadows

In a parallel universe - Shadows

Drawn by Gildor Elendil for the In a parallel universe challenge.

© 2014 Gildor Elendil. Licensed under CC-BY.

Have you learned to use layers yet? It took me months lol but it makes a huge difference, you can separate the layers so the blur or color wouldn't also be on the outline. Good drawing, shadow people are scary! :) —  Luna Sea
@Luna Sea i'm very "new" with this drawing. Instead of the classic pencil to use a mouse! But i'm learning. Now about the layers you are talking about, i don't know how to use them yet, but as you say it will show better.... —  Gildor Elendil
When you start a new drawing at the top left of the drawing box is a layer tab, you can switch back and forth between them there. Try practicing with them, they are awesome, some people use many but I still have not tried more than 3. :) —  Luna Sea
Sorry I forgot to tell you how to create them, you click ctrl ] for a top layer and ctrl [ for a bottom layer, then ] and [ to switch back and forth between. For instance, when you are drawing on the bottom layer it will not affect what you have drawn on the top layer. —  Luna Sea
@Luna Sea It is difficult and i see i need a lot of practice. I'll keep trying. Thank you anyway —  Gildor Elendil
"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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