Village LIfe in Pakisan-Beauty lies in Simplicity

Village LIfe in Pakisan-Beauty lies in Simplicity

Drawn by Innocent Sylph for the Quote Brush challenge.

  1. a newly wed woman making bread on a tandoor, which is a hole type. Raw breads (rotis) are pasted inside the tandoor, which has heat in int. its a village stove.
  2. pitcher is placed on a right side of the drawing.
  3. at the right side a pitcher type thing is placed on a village hand-made machine,which is used to make butter.
  4. a brown box near hen is hen's home. 5, village bed at left side..
© 2014 Innocent Sylph. Licensed under CC-BY.

This is fascinating <3 —  Agent-Bunny-Boy
@Chris: ty :) —  Innocent Sylph
@Agent Bunny Boy : ty <3 —  Innocent Sylph
:3 —  ~moneywithptc~
LOL but reminds me of india :D —  ,.,.
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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