Request for VastWhiteDragon

Request for VastWhiteDragon

Drawn by 1 million cats.


heheheheheh this took way too long lol.

© 2014 1 million cats. Licensed under CC-BY.

Looks good though, nice. —  magicalhobo
D8 this is terrifying. —  Riff
I thought it was an elephant. not a dragon. :p —  Zakeena
Thanks, @magicalhobo . @Riff, I can explain D: @Zakeena, It's neither of those. :P It's a sparkle wolf. —  1 million cats
it's a pastry sparkle wolf... thing... whatever O__O" —  Riff
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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