Crevasse's Birthday

Crevasse's Birthday

Drawn by آدم for the Mister Seahorse Crevasse's Birthday :D challenge. Part of the album Birthdays .

© 2015 آدم. Licensed under CC-BY.

@Adamski Thanks whaaaaa? o-o :') —  Jakub
Idk (you're welcome) in japanese >.> tell me? @Crevasse :'D —  آدم
Huh? XD @Jakub —  آدم
you're welcome is "dou itashimashite" :D —  Crevasse
Oh yeah.. Mikki told me several times and every time I tell her I cbf ._. and I think I am gonna tell you that now too @Crevasse but thanks for telling me :'D —  آدم
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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