End the drawing if you dare (4)

End the drawing if you dare (4)

Drawn by آدم for the End the drawing if you dare (4) challenge. Part of the album Sousrealism.


*- You don't want to hurt anyone.

  • But I do, and I am sorry. It won't stop*
© 2015 آدم. Licensed under CC-BY.

The Ring

I wish I created her ;D but nah. Watch (The Ring) movie if you haven't :yes: It gives the coolest nightmares :'D @Zakeena —  آدم
@Adaś Serwin I have actually... OMG!! it's a well !! xD I thought all the way it was a a dustbin... because the colours of the well aretoo similar from the ground! sorry xD —  Zakeena
And in the movie (I watched the original japanese one I like best), she's called Sadako. and it is so much more scarier! you should try watching it. —  Zakeena
Now I see it as a dustbin :'D Oh yes I love asian horror *-* I think I'm gonna watch it ;D @Zakeena —  آدم
woah is this Carmen Winstead from that urban legend??? Look her up its creepy! —  Breanna Yielding
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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