Finishing Up 2014

Finishing Up 2014

Drawn by Papachan for the 🌌Finish The Sky! (3) challenge.


The 2015 :'), it's so perfect in rainbow :D, GOODBYE 2014 D':, I will miss you

© 2014 Papachan. Licensed under CC-BY.

2014 2015

I welcome you and your 2015 drawings... SO MucH WOW! —  -----
No no, the sketch, aka "scribbles", shows the time and dedication to perfect this 2 0 1 5 sky! @magicalhobo —  Liar
"I wanted very much to learn to draw, for a reason that I kept to myself: I wanted to convey an emotion I have about the beauty of the world."
Richard Feynman
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