I'm just a would've been, could've been, should've been... Never was and never ever will be.. - Bring me the Horizon
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Ichiban Yada, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Luna Sea, 117, OfC, ~moneywithptc~, Chris, uneekL4evr, -----, magicalhobo, Innocent Sylph, lucas, Silenhalle, Aya 123, Papachan, Liar, nolli yacin, event-horizon, Schurke Corgi, xLitchi, Lizzy, Jakub, Nikko, Ray Mortamour, sixstringfvr, and Anubis.
endless pain............................
Innocent Sylph
The description, bring me the horizon? :D
@Daedroth: yes :D
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