Aya's Forest
Drawn by Joe HF for the "Dream" challenge. Part of the album Aya and Joe.
I helped Aya with a few drawing issues she was having while drawing her "私は秋が好きです ^^". This version of it with a few of my tweaks that I was showing her, has been sat in my inbox page for a while, so I thought I'd make a few additions and post it.
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Agent-Bunny-Boy, Papachan, Cami Brown, xLitchi, Kassy, ch1ris23, Finola Bakker, Sonny Mulder, Paige, Zippy the Wonderslug, uneekL4evr, Rebeccajj, magicalhobo, Seraphiic, Ashtray, Aya Mulder, Nikko, and Kube.
Aya Mulder
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