Fangless the Lazy Vampyre

Fangless the Lazy Vampyre

Drawn by Tanuki using SketchPort for Android.


Again, the text was added in afterward and really wasn't necessary at all. Just messing around with the tablet and trying to draw with it on this program. I hope you guys like this lazy, fangless vampyre. He was just me drawdrawing random pink blobs until I say what looked like something that could be transformed into something else.

© 2013 Tanuki. Licensed under CC-BY.

I think this is my favorite so far, nice! —  magicalhobo
Thank you. I was experimenting the most with this one, so it's good to hear. I'll keep experimenting. —  Tanuki
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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