Watermelon nightmares !

Watermelon nightmares !

Drawn by LittleFawn.


who got teased by someone in the family like this?

© 2013 LittleFawn. Licensed under CC-BY.

They told this about cherries... —  Lunar Eclipse
Then the watermelon will come out from your nose :)) —  Sonny Mulder
What a great way to make kids stop eating fruit! Wait... WHAT!? —  Zweby
This reminds me of when my brother teased me saying "be careful it might grow in your belly and come out your ears." XD —  nightstar
it happnd to me when i ate cherry seed....i was so creeped out XD —  sweetrox
"If we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy goal."
Carl Sagan
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