

Drawn by magicalhobo for the A recent meal challenge.

© 2015 magicalhobo. Licensed under CC-BY.

Reptile Animal Food

You murderer ! :no: —  xLitchi
So the magical one drew. What feature are you testing this time? Lol —  uneekL4evr
Surely only one combination of cutlery will allow to eat the iguana properly to reveal its most delicious taste, while a wrong combination will entrap the eater into picking the wrong, deadly parts ... So should I hold it with the fork to spoon its eyes? Use fork and knife to eat the tail? Or open it with knife to spoon some inner organs? And just when having decided it will be revealed one the other choices being deadly. So better stick with the original choice to survive or not? —  Lunar Eclipse
@✳UneekL4evr✳ I did. I was testing the new threaded submit process. And my drawing ability. —  magicalhobo
@Lunar Eclipse Ah yes, the deadly fuguana paradox. In this case, if you don't win the car you can always eat the goat. —  magicalhobo
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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