Silhouette Palm Tree

Silhouette Palm Tree

Drawn by uneekL4evr. Part of the album uneek's landscapes.


For days I stared at the water and sky and I didn't know how to continue. I've tried mountains and grass and rocks and so many other things. I'm shocked the Z key on my keyboard still works lol. I moved on and worked on other drawings and still had no idea what to do for this. I'm really not a big fan of the palm tree but I simply cannot try anything else without losing my mind xD. Enjoy :3

© 2013 uneekL4evr. Licensed under CC-BY.

Sunset Landscape Palm tree Tree Water Silhouette

such nice colours!... <3 —  -----
Yes, nice colors and stars! —  magicalhobo
This is absolutely breathtaking uneek :D —  Jini
omg *o* its AMAZING —  ~moneywithptc~
stunning! Gives a peaceful, yet nostalgic look on it, and i absolutely adore the stars so much. ♥ —  Kiririn
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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