still life 3

still life 3

Drawn by babysnoops14 using SketchPort for Android.

© 2014 babysnoops14. Licensed under CC-BY.

Liked by OfC, Luna Sea, Ichiban Yada, Papachan, and Jakub.
^^ I'd like to know what it is too please. :) —  Luna Sea
@magicalhobo @Luna Sea it's obvious! Its's a.......drawing! YES, it's a drawing! A still life drawing at that! —  uneekL4evr
I cannot vote it up unless I understand it. ;) —  Luna Sea
It my cuddly toy which is a dog I try to do it 3d but it went bit wrong . @Luna Sea @uneekL4evr @magicalhobo —  babysnoops14
It my cuddly toy. —  babysnoops14
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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