hurr hurr guess them all right and i'll do absolutely nothing because no one even cares. lol. I didn't make any of these breeds up. They're all real actual breeds.
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Zakeena, Im IPOD 5, Erythrocyte ., Liar, Ruth Lesslie, Buriburi, Silenhalle, Ichiban Yada, Nikko, and User1401.
The top right one looks a lot like a Sphynx. D:
Uh, American Curl, Maine Coon and Oriental Shorthair on the bottom? XDD;
There is only one cat type imo: Terrible.
@thewalkingdude hahahaha that's so funny . . .
@Buriburi Top right is a Sphynx. c: American Curl, yes. I'll take Maine Coon, for the tufted ears. It was just supposed to be a longhair. I will take Oriental shorthair or Peterbald. c:
1 million cats
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