Thanks for the hug

Thanks for the hug

Drawn by Ichiban Yada for the I want a hug challenge.

© 2014 Ichiban Yada. Licensed under CC-BY.

Awww cute challenge ! I Love hugs *-* ! *hugs Ichiban* —  xLitchi
Класно намальовано ! Обійми (((()))) Так я це люблю )))))) —  Vomika
@Ichiban Yada sending to you warm slow wind that it hugging you during all your day ! >:D —  Vomika
@Ichiban Yada i like this smile >:D @Ana right ? >:D —  Vomika
@Ichiban Yada Coool drawing +22-0-00 from nice flowers and butterflies ! Added to Favorities —  Vomika
"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""
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