Goblin Treasure Hunter

Goblin Treasure Hunter

Drawn by thewalkingdude for the Draw a Goblin challenge challenge.

© 2014 thewalkingdude. Licensed under CC-BY.

Goblin Carrot Cave Treasure

He should be killed for such a betrayal of his people! lol —  Lazarus
Oh dear... a very strange goblin with weird obsession. Kill it in the egg! D: @Lazarus Blake , you should both be killed. xD —  Zakeena
@Zakeena Goblins lay eggs? —  thewalkingdude
Cool, I love the carrot necklace. :) —  Luna Sea
Dang Yoda, I think you've been hitting the pipe to much. —  Gibbermagash
"We long to be here for a purpose, even though, despite much self-deception, none is evident."
Carl Sagan
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